Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Zisis Going To Be Random

Today, I say hola once again to blogging.

What made me think of going back to writing my mind out when I don't even know how to write in a "bloggy" way anymore? Well, I just need an excuse...an escape actually. I got a job in this department for almost a month now where everyone in the office got their eyes stuck on their computer monitors the whole eight long office hours. I usually just wait for my boss to ask me to do something, which happens like...only once in a week? So most of the time, I just sit in my oh so comfortable office chair and face the monitor and act as if I'm doing something when in fact I'm not. I have Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr in Google Chrome's incognito window and restored down into a small box so I somehow wouldn't easily get caught social networking while in the office. Google and other websites should be okay because they'd be deceived that I'm just doing my task since I'm assigned to the researching work of the Business Development Division, when I'm actually just reading random stuff in the internet. It came to a point where I didn't know what to read anymore. I didn't know what to Google anymore. And then, I thought of blogs. Why didn't I ever think of blogs in the very first place?!

So voila (I don't know what this word really means, but I'm going to use it anyway because it sounds magical. What in the world am I saying?), I activated my Blogger account again. There's a secret to the title "Of Conversations and Candid Expressions" of this blog page. Figure it out, figure it out, figure it ooout! Remember Nickelodeon's show Figure It Out? Yes, that. I used to watch that a lot.

The foreign word in my very first statement. Why is this little kid using an EspaƱol word, by the way? I want to completely blame it on the little Spanish blood that runs in my veins, but yeah okay, I admit that I'm just simply a frustrated Spanish language learner.

So you see, this is such a good way to waste my time. It's already 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It's time to go home.

I told you this was going to be random. Uselessly random. Tah-tah!

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