Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Zisis a Cybercrime

"Once again we see a mix of ignorance to technology and the desire to exert further control over a population. Neither is pretty, and neither has any place in a good government."
The Philippines Passes a Cybercrime Prevention Act ,
Paul Tassi, Forbes Contributor

The Philippine government should be ashamed. This Cyber Crime Law is just a waste of money and time of the country when they could focus more on important things instead like poverty and education. Not to mention the budget for this bill is P 50,000,000.00. Imagine that? Other countries don't even agree with this law and might just go against the Philippines because of this. Don't they realize that this is a big mistake? Or are they just too embarrassed to back off of what they've started and just stand for it anyway because of pride even though they know it's never going to be for the better of the country, but only for the better of themselves? Or they just can't think of any law else to make that they could benefit from so they just take this risk that obviously leads to a loss, that is if any from the government is still not stupid enough to agree with this law?

And they should probably get a review on The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, ey? And focus more on the Bill of Rights, which is the third article of the Constitution wherein Section 4 clearly states that "No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances." Because this law (Cyber Crime Law) obviously jeopardizes and stomps hard on one of the people's most important state of being --- freedom --- freedom to express, to speak their minds, to share their opinions. Who in the world, yes the whole wide world, would want that freedom to be taken away from them?

Being well-mannered in using the internet is important, but imposing a law to take over technology is plainly wrong. It is undeniable that the internet has become a very large part of the modern world now. So instead of putting to jail "cyber criminals", they should just add netiquette to schools' curriculum maybe? Or just e-mail those "cyber criminals" a reminder on how to act properly on social networks? Include grammar and spelling checks on that too! Haha. Okay, I'm thinking ridiculously already. It's just that, there are so much other better options to regulate what they call "cyber crime" than to spend P50 million and put the "cyber criminals" to jail. Wouldn't you laugh if you asked your friend why he's in prison and he would answer "Because I liked a status and retweeted something that's against the government"? It just really sounds awful that one simple click of the mouse can already put you to jail.

I've never been, in my whole life, very affected by how the government runs the country...until this law came to existence. This is the first time I ever ranted and complained and wrote about a law, and the government and the president and politics. The issue has that much impact to a whole lot of people including people who don't really care about politics like me. But then maybe I should partly be grateful because if not for this law, I wouldn't have been awakened by how people are actually right when they say that the government is...hmmm, let me think of just one word...lame? Yes, I personally think that the government is lame. So this should put me to prison, huh? See you all in jail! It's more fun in the Philippines' Jail of Cybercriminals! How fooooolish.

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